Living In Your HomeSelling A Home February 9, 2019

Caution The Urge To Fix

Don’t Be the Do It Yourself Redoer…There are many home improvement items or repairs we would like tackle around the house. So we view the instructional videos, gather our supplies and then spend countless hours trying to be the professional we didn’t hire. According to Realtor Magazine, we sometimes actually run up more expenses by having to redo the project, or by making the repair worse. Here is a list of repairs/upgrades we may want to rethink.

10 most regretted DIY home improvement projects, according to ImproveNet, are:

1.    Installing floor tiles

2.    Replacing a ceiling

3.    Refinishing hardwood floors

4.    Installing carpets

5.    Finishing the basement

6.    Installing hardwood floors

7.    Refinishing cabinetry

8.    Installing sprinklers

9.    Installing showers and baths

10. Painting home interiors

So before trying to be the hero and make the repair to save the day, especially when getting your home in shape before hitting the market, you may want to consider hiring a professional. Not sure who to call? Contact me at 732-995-5609 / to provide a list of references used by many. Not sure what repairs to make to make your home sale ready? Call me!