Buying a Home December 23, 2018

How Much Does It All Cost?

Is this your situation…You saved for many months and now have found your perfect home, but still not sure if you can afford it? There are many parts to the puzzle of buying a home. In addition to having money for the house, there are costs involved to actually make it come to fruition. These costs are sometimes out of pocket before the closing or added to your Closing Statement. Speaking to a Realtor at the onset of your search, can help you keep your emotions in check by having us guiding you on where more of your funds are needed. These costs will be quoted to you prior to the closing, so that you are prepared to bring them to the closing table. These fees include costs for your attorney if using one (sometimes title companies are used and we can discuss that later), title search and insurance, survey, loan application if not paying cash, recording fees, inspections, and others. There are also ways that you can incorporate the seller assisting with these costs per your contract. If you would like to know what these costs can add up to and what else is involved…let’s chat! Contact me at  732-995-5609 / I would be happy to assist and make sure you a well-informed buyer.