Buying a Home October 20, 2018

Understanding Home Inspection Reports

Your home inspection report…Huh? What does it mean? Everything is signed and you are excited about your soon to be “new home”

Home Inspections

Home inspections are important as they are a “baseline exam” for your home. The inspectors report current conditions of all the components of the home. It is always a good idea to follow the inspector around, as you can learn lots about the home, such as where the main water shut off is or where the circuit breaker box if the breaker trips. 

This is not the time to have the whole extended family come to see the house. Leave that for another day. The inspector reports on minor and major repairs if any, and offers recommendations for further maintenance when taking occupancy. Paying attention is important. 

Reviewing The Reports

After receiving the report, which may be extensive, breathe…do not think that your whole house is in disrepair. Thoroughly go through the report to discuss any major concerns with your attorney. They will prepare a repair request list for the seller to address. Listing only the items of major concern is best. The seller is not obligated to address any or all items, so listing the ones most important to you should be main requests. 

It is important for any home buyer to have representation present at the home inspections.  I accompnay all my buyers and also offer references for further inspections to check out deficiencies found. 

Types of home major inspections 

  • Most Common Inspections
  1. Home Inspection / interior and exterior of the home
  2. Termite Inspection / checking for wood destroying insects and damage if any caused by them
  3. Radon Inspection / levels of radon present, especially for homes with basemen
  • Other Specific Inspections
  1. Oil Tank Sweep / checking for underground oil tanks that may not be known to be there
  2. Oil Tank Testing / checking the integritiy of the oil tank , especially if under ground
  3. Soil Testing / testing for any contaminated soil due to having an oil tank, which could lead to expensive remediation
  4. Sewer Line Scope/ checking for blockages 
  5. Structural Inspection / checking the integrity of the foundation and structure
  6. Level I and II Chimney Inspections / the latter is a more invasive inspections of the whole fireplace and chimney
  7. Pool Inspection / checking for leaks and pressure of the water lines, pump, filter and heater if applicable

If you are seeking guidance for purchasing a home and the steps involved, contact me at 732-995-5609 /